Support AHS' Kitten Nursery

When you have thousands of cats and kittens entering your shelter every year, you need a lot of toys and supplies to make sure they feel loved and cared for. As the primary intake facility for cats and kittens in Maricopa County, kitten season, which spans from May to November, becomes increasingly challenging on space and resources at the Arizona Humane Society.

Help make our kittens’ stay a little more comfortable by providing them with some special items

When you select an item from our Kitten Nursery Wish List, you are making a donation that goes towards the care and and much-needed supplies for our kitten friends.

Keeping cats active and entertained is a top priority. Different textures, styles and sounds will keep cats busy for hours.
Kennel enrichment for shelter cats is a critical aspect for both their mental and physical health. One of the most basic of cat behaviors is stretching and scratching. Stretch n Scratch pads fill this vital void, giving cats an ideal surface on which to dig in, providing traction for stretching, and give for scratching. This simple stress relieving activity goes a long way to reducing cats' stress. We go through 150 boxes every Spring!
Everyone deserves a tasty treat once in a while, especially our lovable cats! Treat them with hard or soft cookies to keep them happy and healthy.
Help us keep things tidy with easy-to-clean, cat-friendly litter boxes. This high-quality litter box that can stand up to use over time.
This amazing kitty-sized tent is great for healthy playtime outside of the kennel. It's also easy to transport and easy to clean, making it a shelter necessity.
Help us vaccinate every kitty that comes through our doors from Rhinoteacheitis, Calici & Panleukopenia. These viruses are contagious and potentially fatal. $50 will purchase kitty vaccines for one day.